Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To the beach...

I really enjoy going to the beach.  But going to the beach with friends is even better.  I recently went to Canon Beach and Lincoln City, Oregon with some amazing friends and coworkers.  For the most part it was sunny but the wind kept the temperature rather low.  However, it was a small price to pay for hanging out with awesome people at the beach.  Normally when I go to the beach I sit and watch the waves at some point, but not this time.  I can watch waves crash for hours without getting bored, but I was just fine not doing that this time.  It was much more fun to hang with awesome people this time.

Anyway, here are some photos of the trip.  Enjoy!

One of my coworkers drew in the sand to let everyone know who had passed by.

Most of the team heading out to get stranded on some rocks.  Ok, not really but that was what I thought it looked like.

I am much better at taking nature pictures than people pictures so that is always what I end up with more of.  And since I am the one taking the pictures I get to choose what to take them of.

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