Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looking up

Have you ever found yourself looking up at the ceiling while singing worship songs at church (or really anywhere for that matter)?  My pastor mentioned this the other week during his sermon and it sent my mind to wandering.  I started pondering why we look up.  Especially when God is all around us and not just up above us somewhere.  So I came up with some possible reasons:

1.  God is so awesome and majestic that we can't help but look up to Him in awe and wonder and respect.

2.  We look around us at eye level all the time so we need somewhere else to look that is new.

3.  We can't look down since we already bow our heads when we pray.

4.  It is like standing on the side of a mountain and wanting to get a bigger picture of where you are.  Even though you are on the side of the mountain, you look up in order to get a better view of the whole thing.  In the same way we look up to God even though He is all around us.

5.  We grew up thinking of heaven (God's dwelling place) as up in the clouds somewhere so we still at some subconscious level think of God as up above us.

Those are just a few reasons that I came up with.  Why do you think we look up?

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