two things from 2 Peter 1:1-2. First off, Peter calls himself a bond-servant or bond-slave (these are the same thing). Back in the day Jewish law stated that, every six years, one must release all their slaves. However, if a slave wished he could go to his master and request to become a bond-slave (that is, a slave for life). At this point they would pierce their ear and put a ring in it symbolizing their choice. This I already knew but the new part for me was the meaning behind identifying ones-self as a bond-slave. In Western culture we think of this as being about the slave. But it is really all about the master. It's about giving glory to the master. I mean, how awesome and caring and loving would someone have to be for his slave to wish to stay on for life? Peter says this is how we are supposed to be with Jesus. If we can become a bond-slave of an earthly master, how much more should we be bond-slaves of Jesus?
Secondly, in verse 2, Peter says ' the knowledge of God...' This is not just knowing about someone. It is a personal, intimate knowledge of. We are not just supposed to know about God but to really KNOW Him. This is an even deeper know than the way we know a parent, sibling, spouse, close friend, child. When you truly know someone you don't just know what they are thinking or what they will do. You what causes their actions. You understand their thought processes; their reason behind actions. Peter says we should know God in this way but even more so. We should be close enough to God that we begin to understand more than just the result of Him working.
Anyway, thats what stuck with me from this morning.
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