There is a conversation in the movie 10,000 BC that I have discovered is true of not only myself but of people in general. In the conversation the village leader (Tic'Tic) is explaining to the main character (D'Leh) why his father had left the village while D'Leh was young. Here is what Tic'Tic says:
A good man draws a circle around himself and cares for those within. His woman, his children. Other men draw a larger circle and bring within their brothers and sisters. But some men have a great destiny. They must draw around themselves a circle that includes many, many more. Your father was one of those men. You must decide for yourself whether you are, as well.
This is true. Everyone draws a circle around themselves. And as I believe anyone who knows me will attest, my circle is rather large. I am very protective of those I am close to. I have the back of anyone I label as a friend. Even people I don't know sometimes fall inside my circle. I don't say this to puff myself up or make you think better of me. I say it purely as a statement of fact. That is my circle. Everyone I know, and many I don't know, are within my circle. I can't help it. And even if I wanted to I couldn't change it.
The important thing is not the size of your circle compared to another's. The important thing is knowing how big your circle is and who is within it. Do you know what circle you have drawn? If not here are a few questions to get you started:
If you were walking down the street and a friend was shoved/shouted at/mugged what would you do? If you saw a stranger getting beat up what would you do? Who would you go out of your way to do something for? Who would you risk your life to protect?
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