One evening a little while ago, I went for a walk to help clear my mind. While walking I was struck by a thought I had about friendships and time. In my life I have made some friendships with people I knew I would only be around for a brief period of time. And it is hard each time that period of proximity ends. Sometimes even tears are shed. But it has taught me a few things:
1. If they are a Christian, then it is not really goodbye forever. You will see them again in Heaven.
2. (and this goes for any friendship/relationship you have) Treasure every moment you have with someone. You never know when/if you will see them again this side of Heaven.
3. Never avoid making a friend just because you know you will only see them face to face for a short time, or because of the difficulties that come with distance. From my own experience, it is worth it.
4. As little kids we all did this a lot. We would play with someone at the park for an hour, be great friends by the end, and then never see each other again. If children can do that why can't we? It should be even easier for us with all the technology we have that allows us to stay in contact with people.
5. That friend, even if you never speak to them again, will have some sort of impact on your life. If you choose to avoid making a friend because of lack of proximity, you will miss out on that impact, and that may be the only person God has to impact you that way.
Well, there are some of the reasons I have for making friends no matter how long I will be around them. What are some of your reasons? Do you avoid making friends because of a time frame? Why?
A collection of what God teaches me and the random musings that pass through my mind.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Crazy Stories with James: Darn Fox

One evening last week I was playing some volleyball after dark (there was a light on the sand pit so we could see a at least a little bit). After we were finished playing a few of us were standing by the net chatting when I noticed a fox sauntering by. (By the way, I am at Colorado State University and they have some foxes that live on campus). It goes over to my stuff, which was just outside the sand pit, and starts sniffing around. Something in me was saying this is not going to end well so I began moving toward the fox slowly while making some noise. Before I get very far, the fox grabs something and starts to run off. I sprint over to my stuff, realize immediately that my wallet is missing, and take off after the fox. However I was barefoot and could not catch it. Though if I had I am not sure what exactly I would have done (but it probably would have made this story even more wild). A couple of guys chased it a little further and one thought he saw the fox with nothing in its mouth. We spent the next hour or so searching a grass field nearby that it had run through. However it was really dark and so I called it off until morning.
The next morning a three of us went back to look in the daylight. We still couldn't find anything. So I accepted the fact that my wallet was gone for good. Surprisingly I was more amused by all this than worried or mad or anything else. I had a peace about it, and just asked God that if someone did find it that they would not take anything.
A couple hours later I called my bank, canceled my cards, and had them send new ones. Then, later in the morning I got a call from a Fort Collins number. A guy that works for CSU was calling. He said he had found my wallet in the grass on the opposite side of the building we searched near and wanted to return it with everything in it. As I was off campus all day he offered to take it to the dorm I am staying in for me. Unfortunately I never did get to meet him, but I am very thankful. And the best part: a number of years ago he had left his wallet somewhere and someone had returned it to him without taking anything.
So now I have my wallet back, even though the cards don't work. There are a few teeth marks in it as well as my ID. I will forever have a souvenir and reminder of the evening a fox (like the one pictured above) stole my wallet.
Word of warning: if you are ever in Fort Collins, watch out for the foxes. They are apt to steal your stuff, especially if it is leather and smells like it might be food (and I have heard they have stolen shirts). Don't leave your wallet laying out in easy grasp of a fox.
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